Argentine tango is a social dance form, which started and flourished in the city of Buenos Aires and became a cultural phenomenon over the years. Most people, outside Buenos Aires, are introduced to tango through performances. While captivating, the tango performances do not reflect the true nature and the cultural aspects of the dance.
Our tango lessons are based on the style of tango which the locals dance at the heart of Buenos Aires dance halls. In this style, the pleasure is more in the embrace or connection between partners and less of complex steps. In place of complicated footwork, interpretation of the music and its rhythms is important. Truly reflecting the social nature of the dance, the figures do not take up much room on the dance floor and there is respect for other dancers every moment of the dance. This is the preferred style in the crowded salons of Buenos Aires.
Our tango lessons are based on the style of tango which the locals dance at the heart of Buenos Aires dance halls. In this style, the pleasure is more in the embrace or connection between partners and less of complex steps. In place of complicated footwork, interpretation of the music and its rhythms is important. Truly reflecting the social nature of the dance, the figures do not take up much room on the dance floor and there is respect for other dancers every moment of the dance. This is the preferred style in the crowded salons of Buenos Aires.

Tango Lessons for Beginners with Semiral at Roundhouse Community Centre starting in September 2018
Tango Lesson before Duello - May 19, 8:30-9:30p only
"Less is More" - how to enjoy dancing when there is not much room on the floor. You will find this lesson beneficial if you are already comfortable with close embrace fundamentals: basic vocabulary, navigation and partnership.

Tango Workshops with Semiral
I have been dancing since 1993 and teaching Argentine Tango in Vancouver since 1996. I have organized the first regular milongas - tango dance parties, tango workshops - bringing world famous tango teachers to town and DJ-ed tango music in international festivals. I teach what I dance, I give you the tools and help develop skills to dance from day one. My each lessons has the perfect balance of technique, vocabulary, musicality, partnership and social dance etiquette. I invite you to join my upcoming workshops to improve your dancing. You will learn in an environment which is relaxed, fun, productive and supportive. I can offer these workshops only 3-4 times a year, hope you will be able to take advantage of it!
I have been dancing since 1993 and teaching Argentine Tango in Vancouver since 1996. I have organized the first regular milongas - tango dance parties, tango workshops - bringing world famous tango teachers to town and DJ-ed tango music in international festivals. I teach what I dance, I give you the tools and help develop skills to dance from day one. My each lessons has the perfect balance of technique, vocabulary, musicality, partnership and social dance etiquette. I invite you to join my upcoming workshops to improve your dancing. You will learn in an environment which is relaxed, fun, productive and supportive. I can offer these workshops only 3-4 times a year, hope you will be able to take advantage of it!
:Previous lessons (Semiral no longer offers scheduled workshops due to family commitments)
![]() Beginners, lower Intermediate Tango workshop
Saturday, May 17, 2014 Time: 1pm - 4pm @ Edam Dance, 303 East 8th Avenue |
What you will learn
Dancing into the floor, with our partner, and in the embrace. Tango as a non-verbal dialogue of music, emotion, connection and movement within the inner universe of the embrace, combined with navigation through the exterior world of the line of dance. Getting to know and understanding the orchestras. Basic vocabulary: movement, space, and music. Walking and "corrida" variations, "milonguero salida" variations, "ocho cortado" variations, backward "ocho" variations. |
Registration by advance payment
Single: $50 Couples: $90 Students: $30 (with full time student ID) At the door: $60 %10 discount to repeating students For questions and other methods of payment, please contact Semiral:
![]() Upper Intermediate, advanced Tango workshop
Saturday, June 7 2014 Time: 1pm - 4pm @ Edam Dance, 303 East 8th Avenue |
What you will learn
Fundamentals: movement, balance, connection and embrace. Walking and "corrida" variations, "milonguero salida" variations, check step variations, "ocho cortado" variations, backward "ocho" variations, "cambio de frente". Advance concepts: "molinete" variations, low "voleos", tight "sacadas" & embellishments. Time permitting, Milonga Lisa & Traspie, or Tango-Vals |
Registration by advance payment
Single: $50 Couples: $90 Students: $30 (with full time student ID) At the door: $60 %10 discount to repeating students For questions and other methods of payment, please contact Semiral:
May 31 workshop is more suitable for intermediate or advanced dancers. If you are a beginner with some exposure to tango you may still qualify. Please email me.
Class size is limited to 10 couples. You do not need a partner, though, to sign up; I monitor the registration and make sure we have equal number of leaders & followers. To Register & Pay - $50 in advance ($60 at the door). Sign up as a couple and save: $90 in advance ($110 at the door) |
Notes: If you have attended the previous workshops please note that different material will be covered to expand your vocabulary although the fundamentals will be the same.
Sign up with a partner if possible. Partner change will not be enforced. Cannot find a partner? Contact me Semiral's Tango Bio |